WOMANTOC Oct. 2016 Benú: Unique works of art with a positive impact on society and the planet.​

4 March, 2017

The Phoenix in Egyptian is called “Bennu“. The mythical bird that is reborn from its ashes symbolizes the power of humans to overcome difficulties. With this symbolic name, the store of unique handmade items from around the world creates a new strong trend in the Greek market.​

At Benú, modern entrepreneurship and the art of giving, traditional techniques, and contemporary design coexist harmoniously. According to the owners of the modern brand, each of us is unique. Why not the objects with which we want to decorate our personal space where we should feel comfortable and familiar?​

Each of us can – if we truly desire it – offer assistance to a fellow human who needs it, even if they are miles away from us. Each of us can contribute to a better tomorrow by embracing nature in our own way. These principles govern Benú, whose mission is to unite, promote, and help artists from around the world who combine the techniques inherited from their ancestors with European contemporary design and create unique works of art using natural or recyclable materials.​

In the online store, www.benuarts.com, as well as in the welcoming space of Benú at 102 Tatoiou Street, (1st floor), Nea Erythraia, people have the opportunity to both enjoy these unique decorative items and, by acquiring them, to feel the joy of contributing and helping these artists who live in a distant part of the planet under very difficult conditions and away from the limelight.​

With this experience, one can have not only material but also moral satisfaction. Therefore, one should not miss it. There is always hope for a better tomorrow if we start from somewhere.